Monday, March 13, 2006


You'’ve heard that one? Ok, well how about this:

A guy books a flight for 8:00 a.m., with hopes of getting back to the office by noon. Bad weather comes in and the flight is pushed to 11:30. He isn't happy, but deals with it. A few hours later the 11:30 flight is also canceled and he gets put on the 1:30, so much for getting to work at a decent time. Well, this guy finally lands at 3:30 after a three hour flight, only to wait a full 2 hours for his luggage. Yes, at this point is officially a bad day. A 11.5 hour travel day for a 3 hour flight.

No, I didn't forget the punchline, there wasn't one. In any event, it wasn't long ago, approximately 3 months ago, that I said to someone that I actually enjoyed flying. If you hold that same belief, you obviously haven'’t flown enough yet. After today I have now flown enough.


Blogger david said...

Yeah, it was NWA, although I doubt it is specific to them. The whole industry pulls this stuff.

3/13/2006 10:32 PM  
Blogger Lisa said...

the snow was definitely killer.. sucks that your flight was delayed, but better than a crash landing. glad you made it home safely!

3/17/2006 1:12 AM  

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